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David Sinclair的药物研究

发布时间:2018-11-11 22:30前沿研究 评论


请先看澳洲The Monthly杂志报道原文摘要如下:


“FDA has a separate set of rules for supplements. Put simply, they are considered safe until proven otherwise.” That’s also why resveratrol is widely available as a health supplement, but beware: when Sinclair tested a dozen samples from different purveyors, a while back, only one of them passed his effectiveness and purity test.




Sinclair is aiming to get his own NAD+-boosting tablets on the market within three years. Unlike the other companies, he’s taking his research through the US FDA’s arduous drug-approval process so that, if clinical trials are successful, it can be sold not as a supplement but as a pharmaceutical drug, and prescribed by doctors. Since the FDA won’t approve drugs for treating old age, one of his companies, MetroBiotech, will market the boosters to treat rare diseases, and another, JumpStart Fertility, will sell them to reverse female infertility. The NAD+ booster furthest along in this process is called MIB-626; second-phase human trials are underway.


辛克莱尔的目标是在三年内在市场上推出自己的NAD +增强剂药片。与其他公司不同,他正在按照美国FDA严格的药物批准程序进行研究,因此,如果临床试验成功,它可以作为药物出售而不是营养补充剂,可由医生开处方。由于FDA不会批准用于治疗衰老的药物,他的一家公司MetroBiotech将推广其产品用于治疗一些罕见疾病,而另一家公司JumpStart Fertility将出售它们以逆转女性不孕。在此过程中,进展最快的一个NAD +增强药物称为MIB-626; 二期临床人体试验正在进行中。


“when we started working on NMN, the cost was prohibitive, about $2500 a gram”. Over the years, they’ve found collaborators to produce it for them more cheaply, so that if it makes it onto the market for human consumption it will be affordable; currently they’ve got it down to one-tenth of that initial cost. “David always said this will not be a molecule just for rich people.”


“当我们开始研究NMN时,成本太高了,每克约2500美元”。多年以后,他们找到了合作者以更便宜的价格为他们生产,因此,如果它能够进入市场,那么它将是人们负担得起的; 目前他们已将其降至初始成本的十分之一。 “大卫总是说这不仅仅是富人的分子。”


简而言之,哈佛医学院David Sinclair教授正在用NMN进行人体临床药物试验,其试验目的是针对特定疾病人群推出符合药物使用标准的处方药,而不是一般保健品,这些药物临床试验必须按照FDA相关规范进行多达4期临床,因此需要耗费多年时间和大量金钱。



